Series by Sarah West Lander

Spectacles for Young Eyes

series title page
  1. Boston (1861)
    Online at Google Books
  2. St. Petersburg (1862)
    Online at Google Books
  3. Pekin (1863)
    Online at Google Books
  4. Moscow (1863?)
    Online at Google Books
  5. Zurich (1864)
    Online at Google Books
  6. Berlin (1865)
    Online at Google Books
  7. Rome (1865)
    Online at Google Books
  8. New York (1868)
    Online at Google Books

Note: Early volumes in the series advertised twelve titles: Boston, St. Petersburg, Pekin, Berlin, Rome, Venice,* London,* Paris,* Moscow, Zurich, Rio Janeiro,* Washington.* The five titles here marked with an asterisk were never published; one title not included in the ads -- New York -- was added as the final volume.

More information about the series' publishing history and formats can be found at Cary Sternick's Thoughts of Bibliomaven entry for the series