WHEN the toys had all been put nicely away, Nurse gave Robbie his supper, and Susy went down to her mamma. It was dark in the parlor, but the firelight made it pleasant. Susy climbed into her usual place, and said, "Please sing, mamma!"

"What shall I sing about?" asked mamma. Susy thought a little while, and at last she said,

"About a little kitty!"

Now her mamma did not know any verses about a little kitty, but she did not like to refuse Susy, so she began to sing,

Once there was a little kitty
Whiter than snow;
In a barn she used to frolic,
Long time ago.

In the barn a little mousie
Ran to and fro;
For she heard the kitty coming
Long time ago.

Two eyes had little kitty
Black as a sloe;
And they spied the little mousie,
Long time ago.

Four paws had little kitty,
Paws soft as dough,
And they caught the little mousie,
Long time ago.

Nine teeth had little kitty,
All in a row;
And they bit the little mousie,
Long time ago

When the teeth bit little mousie,
Little mouse cried "Oh!"
But she got away from kitty,
Long time ago.

Susy was just going to cry when she heard that the little mouse was bitten, but her mamma made haste to comfort her by singing that mouse got away, long ago. She had to sing it a great many times after this, for Robbie soon was old enough to like to hear about kitties.

"Now, mamma, please tell me one story," said Susy, "about the little fly that had'nt any breakfast."

So her mamma told it to her, though I suppose Susy had heard it fifty times; and then there were some little hymns sung. By this time, Susy's supper was ready, and when she had eaten it, she kissed her dear papa and mamma, and said her prayers, and went trotting up to bed.



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USY was very much surprised, on the morning of the day she was four years old, to hear her mamma call her to come and take her four birthday kisses. Pg. 57 - illus (Susy and her mother) She had forgotten all about birthdays, it was so long since she had one. She sprang out of bed and ran in to her mamma, who kissed her, this time, on her mouth, on each cheek, and her forehead; and seemed to love her even more than usual. Soon after breakfast she took Susy away into that little room to which she was in the habit of going alone, and they knelt down together, and held each other's hands, while mamma thanked God very much for giving her such a dear little girl and for letting her live four years; and asked Him, if he pleased, to let her live another year, and to make her His own little lamb. Susy was very happy to think she had been called God's own little lamb, and she kissed her mamma, and said she loved Jesus, and mean to be a good girl, because He was so good. Then they went into the nursery, and Susy's papa gave her a beautiful book full of pictures, and a great number of new blocks. Susy liked the book best, but she liked the blocks too; and she and papa and Robbie built a castle, which she said looked like the tower of Babel. Robbie was full of fun, and he soon overturned the tower, shouting with all his might, when he heard the noise it made in falling. Susy did not think it fair for Robbie to spoil her play, but her papa said he was such a little boy, she must excuse him. Then Robbie ran up to her, saying "Pease 'cuse Robbie!" and kissed her, and patted her face, so Susy had to smile and forgive him, he was such a little darling. After that they built several castles, on purpose for him to overturn; and Susy was happy all day, because she had given up her own pleasure, just to gratify him. Now Susy's mamma was very busy, getting ready for the birthday party. This time they expected some body besides Robbie and the dollies. Mamma had written and sent invitations to Frank and Charlie, Susy's cousins, and to little Hatty Linton, who was visiting them. They were to come early and stay till dark; and Franks' mother and Hatty's aunt were coming too, for they loved to see children happy.

At twelve o'clock they all arrived, and there was a great time getting off cloaks, and hoods, and tippets, and mittens; and Charlie had to display his jacket and trowsers, which he never had worn till this day; and Frank was in a hurry to see Susy's presents, and so they all talked and laughed together. Only Susy and Hatty were standing all this time, looking very gravely at each other; Susy holding fast to her mamma's hand, and Hatty squeezing up as close to her aunt as possible.

Susy thought Hatty a sweet little girl, after she had looked at her a long time, and she rant to Frank and said to him,

"Hatty Linton may have my best doll all day."

"Oh, cousin Hatty! hear what Susy says!" cried Frank.

"She's my cousin, too," said Susy.

"No, she is'nt, she's only your cousin-in-law," said Frank.

Every body laughed on hearing this; at least all the mothers and aunties did, and Frank looked very well pleased with the new relationship he had invented.



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USY then led her cousins, and her cousin-in-law up to the nursery, where all her toys were brought out, and Robbie was waiting patiently in his little chair. Frank and Charlie ran to kiss him; and after a few moments, Hatty went and kissed him too. He and Hatty looked a little like each other, Frank said. They had both fair, curling hair, and black eyes, and round rosy cheeks. Robbie felt very shy for some time after Hatty had kissed him. He sat still in his chair, with his eyes fixed upon the ground, and his hands lay folded in his lap. But before long he began to play with his blocks, and all the other children sat around him on the floor, helping him. Susy felt like a little queen; every body was so kind to her, and the children all kept saying ,"Let's do as Susy says: it's her birthday."

Oh, how they played! Frank built such noble houses, and Charlie arranged the little village so nicely! And Hatty held tightly in her arms Susy's doll, taking care to keep near Robbie all the time, so as to kiss his soft white neck every now and then.

When they had played quietly a long time, Frank wanted to play "hide the handkerchief," and he said, "Susy must hide it first, because it is her birthday." Frank was six years old, and he know how to play this, and a great many other things. So he made all the children cover their eyes, and then showed Susy where to put the handkerchief. They all liked this play. Even little Robbie ran about , pretending to look in all the nooks and corners; and when it came Frank's turn to hide the handkerchief, he contrived to hide it in a place Robbie peeped into every time. Oh, how Robbie laughed when he found it!.

Robbie's nurse kept her eye upon her little pet, for she was afraid he might get hurt among the other children. But they were all gentle, good children, and were so happy and pleasant that even a little bird might have played safely with them.

"How old are you, Robbie?" said Hatty, putting her arms around him.

Robbie did not know.

His nurse said he was a little more than two years.

"Did he have a birthday too?" asked Hatty.

"Oh, yes, indeed he did!" said nurse; and she opened a drawer and showed Hatty some new toys and books which were given to him on the day he was two years old. Just as the other children came running to look at Robbie's drawer, which was full of toys and books, a bell rang down-stairs. Nurse said this was to call them down; so she took Robbie in her arms, Frank led Susy, and Charlie and Hatty followed, till they reached the dining-room.

On to chapters nine - eleven

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